The Proof of the Pudding: Blending Learning Solutions to Achieve Performance

Recently, we wrapped up an ongoing project for a large client. We designed the training to support and reinforce a major process change for the organization that will lead to significant savings in the coming years. This project meant changing some integral patterns and processes for many roles across diverse divisions. We are extremely pleased our client is already well ahead of its financial savings goals in the first year!

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An Argument for Memory Aids: An Interactive Post

This weekend my four-year-old daughter and I were learning about the solar system and she wanted to learn all the names of the planets in order from closest to farthest from the sun. Sometimes, there is information that just needs to be memorized.

When we develop training, we often neglect to think of easy ways to help people memorize. Usually, we try to incorporate any information that needs to be remembered into a job aid or other resource. But we can also create easy ways to help our learners learn.

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