Gillespie Nimble Member Feature: Andrea True, Director of Client Experience

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Andrea True, Director of Client Experience at Allied Financial Partners, enrolled in the Gillespie Nimble New Manager JumpStartseries this summer. Here she shares lessons learned and advice to other Gillespie Nimble cohort members.

1. How long have you been in a manager position? 

I am coming up on three years in my current position. While I don’t have any direct reports, I do manage quite a few projects that involve participation from many different team members, ranging from the administrative staff up through the managing partners of our firm. 

2. What was your reason for choosing the Gillespie Nimble program?

This training program was selected by the managing partner of our firm based on his previous work and relationship with Gillespie Associates.

3. What did you find to be the most valuable part of the Gillespie Nimble program?

Michelle has been the most valuable part of the training at Gillespie Nimble. She has put together engaging, comprehensive, and relatable examples of the principles being discussed, and I have found her mentorship and facilitation of the group discussions to be the highlight of the course.

4. What are your thoughts on the design of the course?

I have enjoyed the flexibility that the course design allows. If there are projects or activities that relate more than others to my specific circumstances, I can explore them without feeling rushed to meet a deadline.

5. Are there any aspects of the course that you have already been able to implement?

As early as the first week in the program, I was able to apply the skills that we were discussing.  Since there are a number of us going through the program at the same time, we are able to identify when others are exploring and applying the skills we have discussed. An added benefit to this is that we are able to provide feedback for each other as we attempt to master these new skills.

6. What advice do you have for future Gillespie Nimble cohort members? 

Be open, be brave, and participate. The skills discussed seem simple, but they can be challenging to apply and to maintain. The activities may shine light on things that make you uncomfortable, but they will lead to growth. If you are willing to be open, you will get more out of the program not only for yourself but for other members of your cohort.

Learn more about the Gillespie Nimble program for new managers.